2hr boys at the start

Sorry Paul, had to steal this from FaceBook. Paul B, Alec and Stuart T.

The world should see the smiles before the pain!!

Thetford Winter Series Rd3

WS3 was held at Mayday meadow (home of the Dusk til Dawn 12 hour race), on Sunday 24th.

Despite the snow before and after Christmas and the recent rains, the 6.5mile circuit was in pretty good condition. It was a very fast and twisty track, with plenty of bombholes and a fairly even mix of singltrack and fireroads.

As with round 2 , the results were mixed.

This time Chris Bray did not have such a good day, finishing 97th - 2hr(16-39), despite some very fast lap times and running as high as 24th (says he had to get home to cook Sunday lunch!).
Paul Bowden also suffered this time out, finishing 84th - 2hr(16-39).
Alec Robson rode well to get 28th - 2hr(40+),
and Stuart Judd got his series best so far, with 13th - 4hr(16-39).

Stuart Thomas also rode for the team this round, Stuart kindly stepped up to help us out at last years *Dusk til Dawn, and was happy to wear one of our jerseys for the remainder of the Winter Series. He rode to 56th - 2hr(40+).

Race pics as ever from MTBRacePhotos.co.uk - please visit the site.

Last round is in Tunstall forest near Woodbridge, Suffolk. Addenbrooke's have said they are coming along to support us, hope the rain stays away.

*Dusk til Dawn 2009 - 13th place Team 4 riders, Paul Bowden, Malcolm Gammons, Stuart Thomas and Dan (mate of malcs).

Thetford Winter Series - Series Points

With 2 rounds completed, here are the standings so far:

2hr male (16-39)
Chris Bray - 18th, 138 points
Paul Bowden - 61st, 48 points
2hr male (40+)
Alec Robson - 17th, 164 points
4hr male (16-39)
Stuart Judd - 20th, 152 points

Nice to see us all in the Race jerseys - makes us look like a real team!!

Race pics are from MTBRacePhotos.co.uk - visit the site and buys some pics.

Thetford Winter Series Rd2

Another wet race, with mixed results.

It rained for most of the morning, only stopping just in time for the race starts.
It was however, too late - the circuit was sticky as hell!

This did not stop Chris and Alec from producing great results, 11th for Chris Bray in the 2hr (16-39), and 19th for Alec Robson in the 2hr (40+).

Paul Bowden rode to a very solid 40th in the 2hr (16-39), out of a field of 135 riders.
Stuart Judd had a less successful day, finishing 36th in the 4hr (16-39)

Let's hope the conditions improve for Round 3 on the 24th January 2010.

Next Race December 6th - Santon Downham

The next race is at Fire Road 24, Santon Downham (just the other side of Brandon - still technically Thetford Forrest), on the 6th December.

Addenbrooke's have said that they will be turning up to this event, so it would be good to have a few people hanging around.

If you are interested in coming along, email me at stuart.judd@virgin.net and I can supply directions and start times.

See you there.

Race Jerseys and T-shirts

Give it some Berries race jerseys and T-shirts are under production and should be available this week.

Those who donate a suitably large amount to the charity will get a jersey.....FREE!!

Thetford Winter Series Rd1 - Mud!

Well where do we start, the weather was bad......then good.....then bad again.....the out came the sun to top off an excellent days racing.

to all the chaps at the weekend, all 4 riders finished their races, and all picked up good results!!
296 Paul Bowden - 53rd (2hr-16-39)
213 Chris Bray - 48th (2hr-16-39)
582 Alec Robson - 27th (2hr-40+)
12 Stuart Judd - 16th (4hr-16-39)

A big thanks to all who supported us on Race day, it was a great turnout, especially Geoff (newly appointed Team, Logistics and Nutrition manager!), who yet again did a fantastic job with the bottles and the van.

Riders quotes on the day,

Paul - "My legs were cramping up, but I was reasonably happy as I was still ahead of Alec, however about half way round the old git passed me as if I was stationery!"

Chris - when questioned by Stuart " so where did you come?" - "erm...not telling you!"

Alec - "I thought Paul was going to stay away from me, then I caught him on the last lap - tapped him on the shoulder and said - your'e IT!!"

Stuart - "I was ridding in the lead group of 6 for half of the first lap......then my legs fell off and I dropped to 26th!"

Pictures courtesy of MTBRacePhotos.co.uk

Mountain Bike Racing Photography By Dave Franciosy
