Thetford Winter Series Rd1 - Mud!

Well where do we start, the weather was bad......then good.....then bad again.....the out came the sun to top off an excellent days racing.

to all the chaps at the weekend, all 4 riders finished their races, and all picked up good results!!
296 Paul Bowden - 53rd (2hr-16-39)
213 Chris Bray - 48th (2hr-16-39)
582 Alec Robson - 27th (2hr-40+)
12 Stuart Judd - 16th (4hr-16-39)

A big thanks to all who supported us on Race day, it was a great turnout, especially Geoff (newly appointed Team, Logistics and Nutrition manager!), who yet again did a fantastic job with the bottles and the van.

Riders quotes on the day,

Paul - "My legs were cramping up, but I was reasonably happy as I was still ahead of Alec, however about half way round the old git passed me as if I was stationery!"

Chris - when questioned by Stuart " so where did you come?" - "erm...not telling you!"

Alec - "I thought Paul was going to stay away from me, then I caught him on the last lap - tapped him on the shoulder and said - your'e IT!!"

Stuart - "I was ridding in the lead group of 6 for half of the first lap......then my legs fell off and I dropped to 26th!"

Pictures courtesy of

Mountain Bike Racing Photography By Dave Franciosy

